NCA Inside & Out

NCA Election

2018 NCA Election Results Are In

February 7, 2018

Congratulations to the newly elected NCA leadership that will serve our association, and thanks to all  the candidates who demonstrated a generous commitment to service by running for office.

Second Vice President
Elected to serve as an NCA officer for four years beginning in January 2019

  • David McMahan

Committee on Committees (At- Large Members)
Elected to serve a two-year term beginning in January 2019

  • Bree McEwan
  • Carey Marie Noland

Legislative Assembly (At- Large Members) 
Elected to serve a three-year term beginning in January 2019

  • Lara Lengel
  • Susanne M. Jones
  • Kendra Knight

Nominating Committee (At- Large Members)
Elected to serve a one-year term beginning in September 2019

  • Tiara Na’puti
  • Melba Velez Ortiz
  • Jose Angel Maldonado
  • Erin Watley