Newly Renamed NCA Journal: Communication and Democracy

Cover of NCA journal
February 8, 2022

NCA’s First Amendment Studies has been renamed Communication and Democracy to reflect the journal’s broadened aims and scope! The new title reflects NCA’s commitment to publishing scholarship that engages questions about communication and democracy more expansively. The journal welcomes submissions that engage the role of communication in democratic life, including manuscripts that cover:

  • The study of values and practices connected to the “freedoms” typically associated with the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment: freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of association, freedom of religion;
  • Communication-based analyses of the establishment and maintenance of democracies;
  • Rhetorical studies of political institutions, elections, political parties, legal and judicial discourse, and civil society;
  • Communication-based analyses of democratic practices, theory, and culture;
  • The study of economic and social justice and the social activism seeking to advance social justice;
  • Examinations of democracy and democratic practice in varied contexts (e.g., the workplace, media institutions, the military).

Check out the journal’s webpage for more information on how to submit a manuscript for publication.