Recent and Upcoming Episodes of Communication Matters

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July 13, 2021

Recent episodes of Communication Matters: The NCA Podcast addressed anti-Asian racism, holiday celebrations, and more. On May 6, Communication Professors Zhuo Ban (University of Cincinnati), Richie Hao (Antelope Valley College), and Ali Na (Queen’s University) joined the podcast to discuss anti-Asian hate speech and discrimination, including the rise in violence and xenophobia related to the COVID-19 pandemic, and strategies to address these issues. Tune into this timely episode to learn more about the history of Asian racial stereotypes, how corporations have responded to anti-Asian racism, and more.

If you’re interested in getting involved with one of NCA’s 11 academic journals, be sure to check out the May 20 podcast episode, which featured Devika Chawla (Ohio University), the incoming Chair of NCA’s Publications Council; Mary Stuckey (Penn State University), a past editor of NCA’s Quarterly Journal of Speech; and two veteran reviewers, Denise M. Bostdorff (College of Wooster) and Rebecca de Souza (University of Minnesota Duluth). The episode offers insights into the review process for academic journal articles, the mentoring role of the reviewer, and issues related to diversity and inclusion in reviewing. This episode is essential listening for anyone interested in becoming a reviewer or editor! 

On June 3, Communication Matters highlighted two award-winning books by Communication scholars. Mia Fischer (University of Colorado) joined the podcast to discuss Terrorizing Gender: Transgender Visibility and the Surveillance Practices of the U.S. Security State, winner of NCA’s 2020 Diamond Anniversary Book Award, and Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz (University of Iowa) addressed Homeland Maternity: U.S. Security Culture and the New Reproductive Regime, winner of NCA’s 2020 James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address. Listen to this episode to learn more about issues related to gender, public policy, and the security state. 

The June 17 episode focused on Communication research related to bullying and anti-bullying efforts within the discipline. Communication Professors Garry Bailey (Abilene Christian University), Christina S. Beck (Ohio University), and Stacy Tye-Williams (Iowa State University) addressed the state of Communication research on bullying and discussed workplace bullying, cyberbullying, solutions to bullying, and more. Check out this episode for insight into the importance of anti-bullying work and the need to address bullying through Communication teaching and research.

In the most recent episode of Communication Matters, Carlnita Greene (Bunker Hill Community College), Amber Kinser (East Tennessee State University), Ascan Koerner (University of Minnesota), and Audra Nuru (University of St. Thomas in Minnesota) joined the podcast to discuss the Fourth of July and holiday gatherings broadly, tackling issues related to family communication and communication and food. Tune into this episode to learn more about the changes to holiday gatherings that have occurred because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the possibilities that holiday gatherings offer for renewing family connections. 

Upcoming episodes of Communication Matters: The NCA Podcast include:

  • August 5: Penn State University Professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Research Director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center Daniel Romer will discuss how media use has influenced beliefs in COVID-19 conspiracy theories, including how social media sites have responded to conspiracy theories, how conservative media outlets have circulated conspiracy theories, and more.
  • August 19: Communication scholars Jim Cherney (University of Nevada, Reno), Janell Johnson (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Nathan Stewart (Lakeland University in Wisconsin), and Sophia Maier (Penn State University) will address Communication research related to ableism and disabilities, as well as some best practices for classroom and campus accessibility and inclusion. 

You can find the podcast by entering “Communication Matters” in the search bar of your favorite podcast app. Subscribe and listen today!